Meet Our Candidates
Members Coalition stands for sensible financial management of members’ money.
We will review expenditure within the PSA, and end excessive spending of members’ money on entertainment and alcohol.
Members Coalition believes that executive salaries at the PSA need to be reduced.
Introducing more virtual meetings will help reduce unnecessary travel.
Members Coalition will NOT increase fees!
Members Coalition will PUSH BACK on the NSW Government’s Return to Office policy.
Every worker’s circumstance is unique, and we as unionists need to challenge not just individual cases of inflexible working practices by employers, but also the blanket policies put in place by various departments and agencies.
A Members Coalition-run PSA will challenge the NSW Government on the state-wide policy of Return to Office. Workers should not be forced to travel unnecessarily to satisfy the commercial imperatives of the property industry.
Vote 1 Group B for a Stronger Response to Return To Office Policies.
Members Coalition stands for transparency and fair representation across the whole NSW public sector.
Democracy is precious, so we need to ensure we value and protect the worker democracy we have in the PSA.
Members Coalition is calling for:
Delegates from a more diverse range of public sector agencies, to represent the wider membership more effectively.
Increasing the number of workplace delegates.
Allowing virtual meetings for regional members, both for training and for representative activities.
Putting in place a 2-term limit for all elected executive positions at the PSA.
Vote 1 Group B for Better Democratic Processes in the PSA.
Members Coalition believes that the PSA should provide the highest quality services to members that it can.
This means prioritising an attractive working environment for our hard working union staff and remunerating competitively.
We will put in place more resources for rural PSA staff so that our members have someone in-region to visit them when they need help.
We will also hire more organisers in the cities to increase membership density where it is lowest.
Members Coalition believes that conversational strategies need to be taught to all members, so that we are not as vulnerable to ambushing and psychosocial injury at work.
Vote 1 Group B for Better Service to all Members in Small Workplaces and Large.
Members Coalition stands for culturally, psychosocially, and physically safe workplaces for all members.
Our workplaces are not safe until everyone’s safety is considered equally important by our employers.
Recent examples highlight the experience of many PSA union members. These workers were singled out for attending anti-war rallies and supporting a campaign for Australian businesses and government agencies to stop spending money with certain companies.
A workplace where expressions of grief and solidarity with people being murdered is met with performance management, meetings with HR, and clothing restrictions, is not a safe workplace.
Bosses shouldn’t get to decide if opposing genocide is appropriate.
Members Coalition will treat everyone’s need for safety equally, even when it doesn’t affect every member directly.
Members Coalition believes unapologetically in the social purpose of trade unions.
The history and present of social activism are an integral part of what it means to be union. Social and political issues affect our members and the communities we are part of.
Members Coalition does not shy away from taking strong stances on important political events in Australia and around the world, including implementing the Uluru Statement from the Heart, violence perpetrated against First Nations peoples, and the genocide in Palestine.
The NSW public sector is buying goods and services from companies that fund and supply genocidal and apartheid regimes, such as the Israeli occupation of Palestine. We support our members boycotting those goods and services at work and will defend them against workplace retaliation.
Members Coalition will amplify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, trans, and anti-war voices with our collective power.
The departments and agencies we work for wield significant power, and how they choose to act on social and political issues is union business.